
Deserved Commendations

This morning I feel led to offer some well-deserved commendations for services rendered to good old PSBC and of course our Maker, God Himself. First, I think our interim search committee deserves a shout-out. Committee chair Randy McBride and members of the group Ben Brooks, Kerri Melton, and Heather Bryson did a superb job of securing a qualified, caring pastor for our interim. During a time when interims and pastors are hard to find our paths crossed with this compassionate…

Refresh… How?

As a rather new computer guy, I have found that I am somewhat limited in my interaction and activity on my laptop. I have realized I will be in trouble when I retire and will not be able to call Katherine in the Poplar Springs I.T. department when I find myself lost and confused in the world of computers. Kim is a former software programmer who worked with some small companies and eventually with IBM when I was in seminary.…

The Flay Carpenter Golf Tournament

I quit playing golf, I believe it was on October 13th, 1993 at the Pine Mountain Golf Course at approximately 2:58 pm. I had consistently played on two fairways that day for each hole. My best shot was a drive that landed in the middle of a body of water. I was just pleased that the ball left the ground. Drives were supposed to do this but instead mine often just left a flaming trail on the earth beneath the…

…To Be Young Again

I first met my dear friend Paul back in the late eighties when he was a student at our own Gardner Webb University. Paul was a part of a group of students that were called a FOCUS TEAM. This group of seasoned 18-20-year-old students were the cream of the young Christian crop, sent out by the University as ambassadors of goodwill, exemplary champions for Christ, and just plain old good PR for our beloved GWU. They also provided youth ministers,…

Discovering Your Purpose in Hindsight

I have been doing evaluations of my call from God for many years now, often asking the question, “God, what was the purpose in that particular ministry?” I will be the first to tell you that I probably spent 20 of my 40-plus years of service to God trying to figure out if I needed to do something else. But He continually brought me back to church as I felt Him saying, “You may be done with organized religion and…