New Face in the Church
Hello, my name is Micah Roberts. I am going to be helping out Andy, Nicole, and Katherine this Fall for a course I am taking at Gardner-Webb. If you see me around feel free to come and talk to me. Here are a few things to know about me: I am currently working on my Master in Divinity for Pastoral Care and Counseling, I am from Greeneville, TN, just on the other side of the mountains, I graduated class of…
Assessment is Never Easy
I have told you before that my best time for thinking is from 2 am until about 5 am on most nights recently. I don’t worry during this time it just seems that God speaks to me clearly during these hours. I have suggested that Thee Almighty might want to consider 10 am… but he’s God and He doesn’t need my consent to do anything He wants to do. If he wants to continue the early morning sessions I am…
Two Crosses
There have been times in my life when I have needed signs from God and in a couple of these cases he has obliged. I only share these incidents on rare occasions when I am around those who will not consider me some sort of mountaintop mystic or delusional pastor in need of help. I say this with quite a bit of caution but I am in a time of personal faith where signs are not necessary. But I am…
THINK Before You Speak
…One of my go-to places to aimlessly scroll on my phone is my Pinterest app. For those that aren’t familiar with this, Pinterest is a place where people can share thoughts and ideas on anything from recipes to teaching ideas to home improvement to self-improvement. I go here when I’m wondering how to redecorate my living room or what recipes there might be for desserts. Nicole and I often search there for ideas for VBS crafts or shirt ideas. The…
Shower Some Positivety
To say absence makes the heart grow fonder is inaccurate because it implies a need to get away from someone or something. That would not be a valid assessment of yesterday’s service. I never wanted in a million years to be away from my church family; though if I am honest, when this whole pandemic started the first weeks did seem like snow days. But after a week or two I was ready to get back to being with the…
Too Soon Gone
TO SOON GONE a song by The Band is playing on my iPhone as I begin my newsletter and therein lies my prompt for the week. Kim and I celebrated our 39th Anniversary over the weekend. We spent our time eating drive thru and carryout meals. There was some laughing , some crying, and quite a bit of reminiscing. One particular topic continued to come up in our discussions pertaining to our past experiences, present realities, and future dreams… To…
My Experience with COVID 19…the Saga Continues
On July 15th I was tested for COVID 19 only as a precaution due to the fact that some friends I had been in contact with tested positive for the Coronavirus. So I went for the nasal swab, which can also be used as “back of yer eyeball scratcher”, to see if I might be a victim of this dreaded ailment and on July 18th the results arrived…(“May I Have The Envelope Please” or “Tell em What He’s Won Johnny”……
Poplar Springs family, the time I have been both dreading and looking forward to is drawing nigh. I was informed by my doctors that this procedure which was experimental and rather cutting edge when my mother had Parkinson’s was now a standard procedure for those being diagnosed with the ailment. I was still somewhat skeptical and fatalistic thinking I would rather die than have someone play around in my cranium for four hours while I was awake and communicating with…
A Perfect Poem
This week, Andy wishes to share a poem that he found when he was about 14 years old and it changed his attitude toward life: He has achieved success who has lived well, Laughed often, and loved much;Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, The respect of intelligent menAnd the love of little children; Who has filled his niche and Accomplished his task;Who has left the world better Than he found itWhether by an improved poppy,A perfect poem or…
You Know It’s Gonna Be a Good Day
I used to say Monday morning was my time to take care of overdue reminder notes, clean up my desktop, make phone calls that should’ve been made the week before, and discover what I haven’t done and who I made mad. For some pastors it’s the day they get their instructional information and future guidance and feedback that are the result of Sunday lunch discussions, prayer requests among friends, The Secret Meeting or some other informal church information mode. Serving…