Posts by Aaron Hinton (Page 16)

A Perfect Poem

This week, Andy wishes to share a poem that he found when he was about 14 years old and it changed his attitude toward life: He has achieved success who has lived well, Laughed often, and loved much;Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, The respect of intelligent menAnd the love of little children; Who has filled his niche and Accomplished his task;Who has left the world better Than he found itWhether by an improved poppy,A perfect poem or…

You Know It’s Gonna Be a Good Day

I used to say Monday morning was my time to take care of overdue reminder notes, clean up my desktop, make phone calls that should’ve been made the week before, and discover what I haven’t done and who I made mad. For some pastors it’s the day they get their instructional information and future guidance and feedback that are the result of Sunday lunch discussions, prayer requests among friends, The Secret Meeting or some other informal church information mode. Serving…

Rayfield and the Mail Carrier

It has been an active morning here at good old PSBC. My kind of morning as individuals looking for some conversation and fellowship stopped by to see us. One of our visitors came by my office and as we made small talk the conversation soon turned to remembrances of good dawgs that we had the privilege of having as our best friends. One Oliver pooch that eventually comes up in any canine conversation is my late black and tan, Cocker…

A Certain Pastor Dealing with an Unpredictable Virus

I know you are thinking I am trying to be cute as I talk about a certain pastor and it turns out to be me. This is not the case. I have been accused by some (mostly my wife) of being indecisive at times. When Kim wants to irritate me she calls me “wishy washy”. After making the comment I usually enter into a self righteous trade about the tremendous burden on my shoulders and then I change my mind…
PSBC new addition

A Good Porch Visit

ANDY GRIFFITH is and has been essential viewing for folks in these parts for years. The show is good for a number of reasons. It could be the folksy wisdom of Andy himself that draws you to it or it could be his plain old common sense. For some, its Barney or maybe Otis the town drunk or even Ernest T Bass and their humorous escapades that make it pleasurable viewing. For me however, it’s the moments portrayed on Andy’s…

A Blatant Plug for Nicole’s Dawg Book

I, in no way, want to steal any thunder from or try to upstage my good friend and fellow staff member Nicole Hamrick who is writing a book full of dawg stories. But, I have a couple of my own. Specifically I would like to call to mind dogs that have been helpful to me in times of difficulty and crisis… “therapy dawgs”. I am a dog lover and have a list of great dogs in my history starting with…

The Moving Target

My dad died in January and with him went his numerous stories that hopefully we can remember and retell as a part of our family history . One story he would recall was his adventure aboard the Queen Mary. This luxury cruise liner was converted into a troop carrier during the World War II and Glenn Oliver was one of the passengers/soldiers traveling from Boston to Australia (or was it the Philippines?). Dad would tell us about the German U-Boats…

To Whom it May Concern

I was cutting my grass on Saturday evening when a black Acura SUV slowed to a stop in the road beside my lawnmower. This family was so friendly and the young lady driving the vehicle had an enthusiastic smile which was made even more pleasant as the kids in the backseat began rolling down the windows and even opening their doors to speak to the old guy on the turf tractor. The late afternoon sun was in my eyes, my…

Just Like a Good Neighbor

I am currently having to adjust to getting older and it has been a rather challenging ordeal. I am sure there are those reading this who can identify with this dilemma and the sense of helplessness when confronted with a task that is beyond their ability. I am finding out everyday that more and more work opportunities are becoming things I used to be able to do. Kim wants our master bedroom painted and I am going to do the…

Prayers and Offerings

The Mother’s Day Offering for the N.C. Baptist Health has been a part of many N.C. Baptist Churches special offering menu for close to a century. For a number of years, if I am not mistaken, we called it The Offering For N.C. Baptist Hospital and I think for a few years the offering was combined with an offering for N.C. Baptist Retirement Homes and it was called the Homes and Hospital Offering. I gave to this effort for many…