Too Soon Gone

Too Soon Gone

TO SOON GONE a song by The Band is playing on my iPhone as I begin my newsletter and therein lies my prompt for the week. Kim and I celebrated our 39th Anniversary over the weekend. We spent our time eating drive thru and carryout meals. There was some laughing , some crying, and quite a bit of reminiscing. One particular topic continued to come up in our discussions pertaining to our past experiences, present realities, and future dreams… To Soon Gone.

As we talked about the past we laughed about our wedding day and relived the crisis involved, the people we saw, the events we enjoyed, and the excitement of beginning our new life together. Of course we talked about the kids coming along later and the joy they gave us and the challenges presented . We conversed about the successes and failures in our lives together and how God has blessed us in the good and the not so good times.

We talked about the present. We talked about contentment and a trust in God that is sustaining us right now. Kim and I marveled at how good life is and how heartbreaking and stressful it is at times. A discussion ensued which dealt with our current concerns and how we were gonna survive the pandemic and as a suitable close to Anniversary 2020… we were sitting on the couch together in peace and in quiet contemplation when we were startled by an earthquake!

We did a fair amount of dreaming. We talked about how I will be able to run like a speeding bullet and leap tall buildings in a single bound after my brain surgery, which is scheduled for Nov/Dec. We are both in our sixties so we obviously talked about what we were going to try to do when we retired in twenty years and just to let you know… spending time at the beach was on the agenda.

But the transience of our life on this earth continued to arise in our many discussions. It is all, Too soon gone! That is why it is important to remember the past, the good and the bad, the successes and failures, and realize God has taken care of you… even going as far as to bless you. We must savor the present as we realize it will too soon be the “good old days”. Finally we have to look to the future with hope because… God’s Got This!

…Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever… Hebrews 13:8

Andy O