Posts from June 2023
Have You Ever Been… Into the Wilderness?
Well, we surely have been “Into the Wilderness” this week at Poplar Springs because that has been our theme for Vacation Bible School at which 53+ children and 35+ adults/youth have gathered around God’s Word! As we have so gathered, we have focused on God’s provision for the people of Israel wandering through the desert post-Exodus. We have watched God care for Elijah in his wilderness of discouragement and doubt. And we looked again at Jesus’ trip into the wilderness…
Working Together!
Working Together! As Paul writes to encourage the church at Corinth, not only does he describe the church as a body with members dependent on, and blessed by, one another, but he also refers to our life in the church with the designation, “workers together.” It is one word in the text, a noun, a compound word combing “work” and “with” – that’s who we are in the church of Jesus Christ. We “work with” one another to share Jesus’s…
“Suit Up” for a Great Summer!
This week our Poplar Springs Youth are down at Camp Caswell, the North Carolina Baptist Assembly on Oak Island. Their focus for the week is the right focus for all of us as we look at the summer that is upon us and our opportunities to represent our Lord wherever we go and in whatever we do. The Camp Caswell theme this year is based on Ephesians 6:10-18 and is the challenge to “be strong in the Lord and in…
Go. Share. Repeat.
“Go. Share. Repeat,” is the theme for this week’s Camp HoriSon at Poplar Springs Baptist Church! But it is also the theme of this past Sunday’s called church conference at which our congregation overwhelmingly affirmed the recommendation of our pastor search committee that Aaron Hinton should serve as our next Pastor! It is exciting to be part of this journey toward the future of ministry at Poplar Springs. Janet and I have been richly blessed by this fellowship of believers…