Church Blog (Page 21)

Image of 2 go carts with riders

Sunday School

I was a junior at CCU (Clemson Christian University) when I volunteered to teach a Sunday School class of eleven year old boys. I prayed about the situation, felt a calling to fill the vacancy and I reassured myself with these words, “How hard can it be?”  It did not take long for Ol’ Andy O. to realize he had taken on a God-sized task. The first Sunday I taught the class, I understood that there was more to preparation…


A group of Poplar Springs folks have been playing Ultimate Frisbee for quite a few years. My acquaintance with this rather small but welcoming, enthusiastic group of flying disc fanatics started about 10 years ago when I brought a group of youth group members from my former church to toss Frisbee at Gardner Webb. A friendly herd of youth and adults asked us to join them in a friendly game of Ultimate Frisbee and I was properly introduced to a…

It’s the Children’s Church Too!

As most of you already know, I was a minister of miscellaneous for 20 years. The proper titles I had at my prior places of ministry were Minister of Youth and Children, Minister of Youth, Children, and Senior Adults, Associate Pastor/Education, Youth, Children, and Adults. In other words, I did a lot of ministry with quite a few groups and I never felt like I gave any of my areas of ministry their proper attention. I remember thinking how pleasant…

A Pastor’s Pet Peeve

I am gonna let you in on a little secret that does not need to get into the wrong hands. The “wrong hands” would be….the 3rd Saturday breakfast crew, the church staff or a couple of people I will only identify as “Tony B.” and “Hugh B.” Fortunately, not many folks read the weekly ramblings of yours truly. So I am fairly secure in sharing this privileged, personal information.  It drives me crazy when someone looks at me, places their…

Childhood Bible Stories

If you haven’t been able to join us in worship for the past several weeks, Andy has begun a sermon series entitled “A Summer of Stories”, in which he takes us back through some of the Bible stories we grew up hearing about as a child. You know these stories: Noah, David & Goliath, Gideon, Moses, Jonah; these are the stories my own daughter is beginning to learn about and they are the stories that most of us re-call as…

Volunteers Have Real Jobs Too

Committees get a bad rap. We often joke around in Baptist circles about these decision making groups in our church bodies. Many say that we Baptists have a committee for everything and though I disagree, I do appreciate the numerous committees and the generous folks in our congregation that comprise their numbers. I think I can confidently say that I believe Poplar Springs does committee work right. Please note I did not say perfect. But in my almost 40 years…

Considerate Freedom

1st Corinthians 8:9……Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak. (NIV) We are living in a polarized and confrontational world. It seems that many are intent on making their views known and their practices a statement of their enlightened choices. I don’t have a Facebook account but I do look over my spouse’s shoulders as she catches up on the happenings of the day or week. It seems there are…

Listening and Responding

Kent Russ sent me this quote from a church in France which is contained on signs inside a number of sanctuaries in that European country. It reads: It is possible that on entering this church you may hear a call from God. On the other hand, it is highly unlikely that he will contact you by phone. Thank you for turning off your telephone. I love the optimistic and expectant attitude of this sarcastic public statement. I appreciate the recognition…

An Elevator Party

Proverbs 12:25….An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. (NIV) The hospital can be a rather stressful place and many of the people there are somewhat anxious, obviously. So when Janet McSwain and I visited a couple of hospitals in Charlotte a few weeks ago, we knew our purpose – to offer encouragement and prayers for our confined friends. As we left Carolinas Medical, we were waiting on a very slow elevator and you…

Lessons Learned

I was just thinking about lessons learned by accident – little bits of information gathered while in pursuit of something else or in the process of making messes in my personal relationships, professional endeavors, and spiritual/theological decisions. I learned late in life to be cautious when you eat birthday cake after 20 toddlers have assisted the birthday victim in blowing out the candles. I gained this insight at one of my own toddler’s birthday parties about 30 years ago. The…