Posts by Aaron Hinton (Page 9)

The April Fools: Evil, Suffering, and Death Met Their Match

On Saturday last, I thought again about the “April Fools.” While April Fools’ Day is the first day of April and is often a day for fun pranks, we pull on one another, it’s also coming this year just a few days before Easter Sunday. April 1st is also a day when my heart declares, with faith, that the greatest of April Fools is death itself along with the kingdoms of this world. Right before we moved to Shelby in…

Our Need

This past Sunday’s worship was a blessing as our youth led us to the Lord in word, song, and message! Our Poplar Springs church family is thankful for the ministry of discipleship that we see in our youth and children’s ministries. I thank God for Nicole and Katherine and the team of servants they gather together to encourage our youth! There was a theme at work in the service that gave my heart a powerful reminder of the promise of…

The Poplar Springs Way of Walking Near the Cross Together

Thank you for making your plan now to be part of our Holy Wednesday Service on April 5 in the Sanctuary. As we are remembering Jesus’ death on the cross, this service is our Poplar Springs way of walking near the cross together to reflect on Jesus’ love for us from the depths of the heart of God. It is a principal feature of our life in Christ to reflect upon this good news: “You see, at just the right…

What’s Behind the Green

Friday this week brings us to St. Patrick’s Day and everyone will wear their green to remember the missionary who ministered for the Lord Jesus on the “Emerald Isle.” St. Patrick’s story is one that comes down to us from Christian History and, as one book title puts it, his story is “More Than Shamrocks and Leprechauns.” Patrick’s story can be easily remembered this way: Patrick’s story is a reminder of the missionary calling given to the church in a…

The Christ Supremacy

I am a fan of the action stories featuring Jason Bourne, the character created by American author Robert Ludlum. I enjoy the “non-stop-ed-ness” of the storylines that keep you on the edge of your seat. In one of the stories, Bourne proves himself as truly worthy of out-smarting everyone trying to catch him. The story is titled, “The Bourne Supremacy,” and, sure enough, the way he overpowers his adversaries allowed his story to live on for another sequel. In a…

Community-Wide Worship Week

Our Journey to the Cross When our journey through the Lenten season concludes in a few weeks, we will have a great opportunity to join together in worship with fellow believers March 27-April 5! Over the past few months, the pastors from the churches in the Lattimore Group of our Greater Cleveland County Baptist Association have been planning a week of revitalization through reflection on the cross of our Lord Jesus.  The churches with which we regularly cooperate for our…

Our Journey to the Cross

This week begins the season of Lent on the Christian calendar. “Lent,” from an old English word meaning “springtime,” is the 40-day period leading up to Easter and it is designed to be a time of repentance as well as a time reflection on the death of Jesus. “Springtime” is meant to also direct our attention to the good news that new life and spiritual growth is on the horizon as we come to the Lord in repentance and surrender.…

Our Brand is LOVE!

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34 “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:11 Yes, on Valentine’s Day, and every day, for followers of Jesus, our brand is love!  God started it – he loved us first in the sending of Jesus to die for us.  Now, he looks to us to finish it by the way we interact with…

Prayers for Our Pastor Search

This week, after much prayer and preparation (and input from our congregation), our Pastor Search Committee will post the position (see below) for Pastor of Poplar Springs Baptist Church. Thank you for your continued prayers for this process of discernment and for your intentional prayers for the Search Committee: Ava Bryson, Clyde Buckner, John Harmon, Tara Hayes, Clay Putnam, and Leslie Queen. As the post goes public this week, we pray for the Lord’s guidance as we did this past…


…For a Pastor I was so thankful last Wednesday evening to hear the report from our Pastor Search Committee. The gathering was well-attended by our PSBC family and the session proved to be one of great encouragement to my heart. I was delighted to hear how you all have shared your hearts and minds with the Search Committee and to see how they have organized your responses to be able to communicate well with pastoral candidates. The meeting was an…