Prayers for Our Nation and Beyond!

Prayers for Our Nation and Beyond!

The first Thursday of May each year is the National Day of Prayer created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. This observance was formalized in keeping with the first call to prayer in 1775 when the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation. Across our country this Thursday, fellow Americans will take time to pray for our nation and its leaders. Plan now to set aside time in your schedule this week to pray specifically for the USA! And, as you do, here are some prayer prompts to guide your prayers. Let’s pray for…

1. Government Leaders: Federal, State, Cleveland County, City of Shelby, City of Boiling Springs. Pray for wisdom and integrity as they propose action and provide genuine “states-person-ship” that lifts us above partisan divides and into the embrace of the diversity that e pluribus unum expects.

2. Military Personnel who serve our nation with courage and perseverance: As they serve in “harm’s way” around the globe, pray for trust in the Lord’s presence to bear them up and for wise leaders to instruct their steps.

3. Unity of Hearts across our land: Pray for those who represent varied points of view to embrace the wisdom of knowing theirs is but “one” point of view in the debates of our day. Ask God to help us be willing to learn from one another.

4. Business Leaders and small business owners: Pray for the interaction of leaders throughout our land who are trying to sort out the economic complexities of our day. Pray for endurance for those who are struggling today.

5. Education Leaders who encourage our children: Pray for students and parents as graduation draws near. Pray for educational leaders as they strategize about the next best steps for all levels of education in our community.

6. Revival in the churches across our nation: Lift up the Church of the Lord Jesus across our nation and around the world. Even during hard times, the scripture is clear that the Kingdom of God will continue to make His difference in the world in an “unhindered” way! Pray for wisdom that will help leaders, both lay and clergy, to envision new and creative ways to “go into all the world and make disciples.”

7. “Can’t we be their neighbors?” With Mr. Roger’s song in our ears, let’s offer prayers for people of varied faith traditions to join in public discourse toward the care and encouragement of neighbors near and far. May God move us toward each other with love and compassion that can help heal the pains we have to navigate together.

8. Families in our community and across our nation: Pray for the relationships of parents and children as they mutually encourage one another along life’s journey from the cradle to the senior years. Pray for the Lord’s guidance to help families to embrace the call to reach out in hospitality to others in their neighborhoods even as they join to worship the Lord!

9. Crisis Intervention 2023: Following days of global pandemic, pray for the researchers who attempt to head off global health threats. Lift up health care workers who are constantly at risk as they care for the sick in hospitals across our nation. For those in varied industries whose work impacts us all – front line caregivers, emergency personnel, law enforcement, food producers and suppliers, etc. – pray for the Lord’s strength to help them know how valuable they are AND to help them not be overcome by the pressures of every day.

10. Individual citizens of our nation: Pray for the strength of heart to not give up when we feel down BUT to look up to the Lord to see us through!

11. Global neighbors around the world: When you hear a story in the news today from another part of the globe, pause a moment and pray for the people of that country. Pray, too, for our national leaders who attempt to keep us living as caring neighbors in a world community.

12. Light of Life: Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Pray today for our leaders, our neighbors, our families, our friends, our enemies, and our stubborn hearts, to know the light of life that comes to bear us up as we follow Jesus, the definitive self-revelation of God (Hebrews 1:1-3).

“Pray for each other that you might be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16


Tony Tench