The Earth is the Lord’s

The Earth is the Lord’s

Summertime is a wonderful time for praising God for the gift of the earth upon which we live. Trips to the beach, the mountains, the great outdoors, all give rise to praise as we thank God for the beauty of the earth, our home. The Psalmist leads us to sing from our hearts, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters” (Psalm 24:1-2)  That joyful proclamation in song is at the heart of our desire to live into the Lord’s calling upon our existence here. When God made humans, the Scripture declares, “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15). And there it is, our calling, to care for the earth which is the Lord’s creation and possession.

That being so, I appreciated the article that appeared this week in Baptist News Global by Rosaly Guzman, in which she encourages “ways to care for God’s creation this summer.” Her observations highlight an approach to preserve God’s creation. She suggests,

  • Organize a family clean-up event at a nearby park, beach or throughout the neighborhood.
  • Plant trees to aid the planet’s health and to highlight the scripture’s images of trees as symbols of life and health.
  • Consider a recycling project to “reduce, reuse and recycle” where possible to reduce the impact of waste on the planet.

She concludes by emphasizing that such actions “demonstrate gratitude for God’s creation and honor our divine custodial duty.”

Along with these actions, the summer can also be a time when creation calls us to our Creator as we,

  • Sit in the shade on a sweltering day and thank Him for the shade of his grace to cover our lives and relieve us from the oppressive heat of sin.
  • Enjoy the refreshing taste of cool water in thanksgiving for the water of life that is ours in Jesus.
  • Consider the varied terrain of the mountains and the beaches as symbols of the twists and turns and ups and downs where life takes us, all of which are traversed within God’s presence and purpose.

Yes, summertime is a great time to praise God for the world he as made for us and accept His calling to be caregivers thereof!

Enjoy the summer!!

In the Love of Jesus,

Tony Tench

PS – Save the Date for Pastor Aaron Hinton’s Ordination and Installation Service on August 6 during worship!