Just Good Information

Just Good Information

I am devoting my space to informing you about an upcoming event happening at good old PSBC February 16 – 18, 2020. It has to be some pretty special stuff because I truly enjoy putting my curious insights and observations on paper each week. It’s my therapy and my way to convey something that not only might assist you , or make you laugh , or make you wonder …”what is he thinking?”…but it’s also my clear

Today I want to write about our church Family Care Conference. Dr. Jim Baldwin and his wife Enan are dear friends and family care experts. Jim recently joined the staff of The First Baptist Church, Wilmington NC as Minister to Senior Adults and Etc. and Enan is Jim’s marriage enrichment partner and counselor. They were here last year for our first family care week and we discovered their creativity, knowledge, and their love of God and service in the name of his son Jesus Christ.

Here’s what’s happening:
Sunday, February 16th
        Morning worship ….Speaker Dr Jim Baldwin
        When the Church Gets It Right /The Caring Church

3-5 pm ….Maximizing Marriage When The Nest Is Full
6-8 pm……Maximizing Marriage When the Nest Is Empty

Monday, February 17th
6- 8 pm ….Going it Alone ……Death , Divorce And Living Single Again

Tuesday, February 18th
6-8 pm …..Care takers : Living As A Care taker and Ministering To Those In the Caretaking Role

For full details and sign up ….see the bulletin board in the hall outside of the sanctuary …..

Gotta go, Jodi Blanton our new newsletter editor is holding the presses …..Thank you Poplar Springs and Thank you Jodi!!!

Andy O