Church Blog (Page 11)

In Earnest!

Charlotte Diggs Moon, better known as “Lottie,” was born in December of 1840 in Virginia and she died in China in December 1912. For 39 years, Lottie Moon served in China to share the good news of Jesus with her Chinese neighbors. She identified herself with them taking on the practice of traditional dress and learning to speak to them in their heart language. Across her career of missionary service, Lottie labored faithfully so that the people group that held…

I Will Spend My Life Giving Thanks!

These words made up the chorus of the anthem sung by the choir at last Sunday evening’s Community Thanksgiving Service at Crestview Baptist Church. The song echoes Paul’s word to the church at Thessaloniki, “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes. 5:18). That being so, during this week of Thanksgiving, we find ourselves listing in our minds and hearts, and perhaps voicing around our Thanksgiving tables, the many ways we…

Thank you, Ladies!

This past Sunday was a blessing for our congregation as women of Poplar Springs Baptist Church led the worship service. I was thankful for all the messages of the day! As the women of the adult choir sang, I noted in my heart the “meanwhile” note that we are able to sing as we journey in search of our next pastor: “In His light, I’ll not stumble or fall…For in Him all my hopes are secure.” Sure enough, for our…

Saving The Daylight

Well, this put an end to “Daylight Savings Time” for another year. The change in the time by just one hour makes a difference, doesn’t it? Students don’t have to wait on the school buses in the dark – a good thing. When you look out the window at 6 PM, you can feel like it’s time for bed – not always a good thing! Often Benjamin Franklin is accused of coming up with the idea of “time change.” He…

God of it all!

An All-Saints Day Reflection Today, Tuesday, November 1, 2022, is All Saints Day on the Christian calendar. It is a day to remind us, following all the fear of death that comes with “all hallows eve,” that God’s resurrection power stands in victorious opposition to the struggles of life and the fear of death. That being so, I have thought again about the significance of this day! God has dealt with, and continues to deal with, our struggles! Struggle! Oh,…

Your Super Ability!

There are many images that catch our eyes in popular culture and Halloween is one of those times when we get a good look at the ones that are in focus in a particular year. Yes, the top choices for Halloween costumes might tell us something about those images. This year, due to the popularity of a recently released movie, the “witch” costume leads the list of the most popular styles. A few years ago, the most popular get-up was…

Fall Colors — a Message of Hope

During this time of the year, with the leaves changing colors, there is a great reminder of the hope that is ours in the Resurrection power of Jesus. God has designed the changing of the seasons as a great picture for us. While we enjoy the pretty reds, oranges, and yellows as the leaves change, we also realize that this beautiful display is happening as the leaves are dying. The season’s beauty is a reminder that the approach of death…

BINGO! Just What We Need!

Last evening’s Triple L fellowship here at Poplar Springs was a fun time of fellowship! The gathering of friends around the tables for food and games was a real joy – and more tables can be set up for more friends to come next time, so, y’all come! After pizza, desserts, and conversation, we enjoyed several rounds of BINGO with prizes for the winners. As is often my luck in playing BINGO, I would get everything in proper order but…


As I drove through Shelby the other day, I had to chuckle a bit when I noticed a yard sign on a vacant corner near the hospital. The sign read, “No Yard Signs Without Permission.” It hit me as funny to use a yard sign to prohibit yard signs. Even so, that sign did what it was supposed to do, viz. it made me look at what the owner deemed important! Which is the heart of the word “significance.” The…

In Search of…

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you!” Matthew 7:7 For several years there was a television series by the name, “In Search of…,” during which the host gathered various experts, opinions, and evidence to try to explain mysterious events and hypotheses. The episodes provided interesting facts and ideas but rarely, if ever, actually came to any definitive conclusions. Thankfully, as we walk in faith as…