Vacation as Sanctuary Moments

Vacation as Sanctuary Moments

Summer is the vacation season. Whether you prefer the beach or the mountains, Dollywood or Disney World, many in our church and most of our community will take time this summer to “vacate” their homes to enjoy a different scene. According to the US Travel Association, the travel industry supports 15 million jobs and accounts for an economic footprint of $2.8 trillion. I couldn’t count that high if I tried, and while I know not all travel is vacation related…I think it’s safe to say we like our vacations.

I was thinking about my own vacation to the beach with my family, mom, and dad this summer. I’m looking forward to spending time with them, enjoying some fishing, and watching the waves crash on the shoreline. For me, vacation is always a chance to get away—a chance to reset, recharge, and renew. Vacation helps me mentally step out from the chaos of life, slow down, and relax…even if for a brief moment.

And that got me thinking…what if we viewed the idea of vacation a little differently?

This past Sunday night, Downey’s parents came over and made probably my favorite dessert in the world:  homemade ice cream. We sat on our back porch and talked while we enjoyed the coolness of the ice cream on a warm summer evening. The rain finally rolled in, and we enjoyed the lower temperature the storm brought with it. Sitting on my back porch that evening, I realized something. At that moment, I was on vacation. No, I hadn’t traveled to a far-off land nor was I wetting a fishing line in the Gulf of Mexico. But at that moment, I was enjoying family, conversation, and a small retreat. I was on vacation.

No matter how big or small…no matter where you are located…vacation moments are like little sanctuaries. They are opportunities to thank God for all that we have in our lives. Let’s all take time this summer to recognize those moments of vacation, those little sanctuaries. Let’s take time to be still. To be still and know that He is God, the God of all the moments in our lives. 

Psalm 46:10

“Be still, and know that I am God;

    I will be exalted among the nations,

    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Prayer: God, thank you for vacations and small sanctuary moments in our everyday lives. Help us see you everywhere. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Grace and peace,


(704) 300-0081
