Halloween can be so much fun. I remember dressing up as a cowboy, ninja, professional ball player, fireman, and many others. My friends and I patrolled our neighborhood like a candy mafia. We were determined to bring in as much sugar as humanly possible…or as much as our moms let us keep, whichever came first. As a parent now, it is fun to watch the same joy on my kids’ faces as they venture from house to house in search of that next Reese, Kit-Kat, or tiny bag of Skittles.
I’m sure most of you have a favorite costume for yourself or your kids. My oldest son Luke dressed up as Andy Oliver for the Fall Festival one of our first years here at PSBC. It was 100% his idea, and as parents, we supported that decision 150%. Our Fall Festival is just around the corner on October 25th. It will be a great night of fun and fellowship. It is also a great opportunity to invite others to join us–those who are searching. Help them find a home with us.
On Sunday, we began a new series about being authentic–being authentically you. We will be looking at what it means to be just who God made us to be: His children. We might all be wearing masks and dressed up on October 25th (and on Halloween)…but what does it look like for us to take down our masks and walk in an authentic faith, showing others who we truly are and who Jesus is for us?
Hope to see you Wednesday night!
Grace and peace,
Aaron [email protected]
(704) 300-0081