These words made up the chorus of the anthem sung by the choir at last Sunday evening’s Community Thanksgiving Service at Crestview Baptist Church. The song echoes Paul’s word to the church at Thessaloniki, “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes. 5:18). That being so, during this week of Thanksgiving, we find ourselves listing in our minds and hearts, and perhaps voicing around our Thanksgiving tables, the many ways we thank God for His love and grace so apparent in our lives!
This past Sunday brought a great reason for thanksgiving as our PSBC Children’s Choir sang with great enthusiasm the promise of Scripture that as we walk in the Spirit “the fruit of the Spirit will shine in everything we do!” Their testimony in song is a great encouragement to our hearts because the antidote for the discouragement that often drags us down, and the world around us, is sure enough love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control “shining” through our lives to bless the lives of others!
Also, this past Sunday gave reason for thanksgiving as we were reminded of mission opportunities all around us. At the last Brotherhood meeting, we heard from Rodney Poston of Vision Racing Ministries and Chaplain at the Cherokee Speedway in Gaffney. He described an upcoming pre-race worship service which was planned for Sunday at which PSBC youth, Eymilyn Poston, served as a worship leader through song! We thank God for her faithfulness to serve and for our PSBC youth ministry encouraging our youth to embrace God’s call to ministry and mission in Jesus’ name! [PS Vision Racing Ministries invites churches to help collect giveaway items for the grandstand, to write cards of encouragement for the track participants, and to volunteer for projects.]
Yes, we will “spend our lives giving thanks” because there are so many reasons to praise God for his blessings in the life of our church!
Happy Thanksgiving!
In the Love of Jesus,
Tony Tench