We are collecting items to build Christmas tote-bags for disabled adults in our county who are living on a limited fixed-income. Please bring your items by Wed. Dec. 4th so we can deliver these to Care Solutions by Dec. 6th.
Suggested items:
- 4 pack toilet paper
- Pill boxes
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- Lotion
- Lg liquid dish detergent
- Snacks Wipes (Clorox & Regular
- Soap (liquid or bars)
- Hair brush/comb
- Cleaning sponge/pads
- All-purpose cleaner
- Shampoo
- Laundry detergent
- Wash-clothes
- Gripper socks
- $25 grocery/gift card
We will place boxes around the church and FLC for you to leave donations. Bags can be brought to Angels at Heart class (behind the sanctuary).
Please give gift cards to either Julia Newton or Ava Bryson.