Be Complete

Be Complete

My family has a tradition—a tradition that some members of the family like more than others. When we are on vacation or a long holiday break from school, we do a puzzle. Many times when we visit, my mother-in-law, Sherwin Washburn, has one in the works on her dining room table. But especially on beach vacations, one table becomes the puzzle table. One of the more complicated puzzles that we’ve tackled was a scene of African animals. It took most of our week at the beach to complete with many members of the family rotating through…at least when we weren’t on the sand…

We finally made it to the last part of the puzzle, but there was a problem. We could not find the last piece. We searched and searched but had no luck. Finally, my sister-in-law, Jamie Washburn, found it at the door of the laundry room. Finally, the puzzle was complete. It had been made whole, just the way the creator designed it.

As we read on Sunday, Matthew 5:48 says, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” The Greek word here is teleios, which can also be translated as complete or whole. Be complete as your heavenly father is complete. The Torah, the Old Testament, was designed to teach God’s wisdom so believers could become whole, mature people that share God’s blessing to the world. Jesus came to fulfill the Torah and the prophecies of the Old Testament. So if you accept Jesus and live like Him, you will be complete. Once you are whole and complete, you will have the opportunity to share God’s love to the world.

Are you working to be teleios, to be complete? If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, are you allowing Him into all corners of your life? Are you reading God’s word and spending time in prayer? Are you overcoming evil with good; with bold generosity as an active peacemaker?

The teachings of Jesus…they are difficult…but not impossible.

They sound foolish…but they are the Truth.

They will cost you in the short run…but they bring eternal rewards.

They seem like they can’t work…but they do.

They are the Jesus way for Jesus people.

I pray this week that we will allow Jesus space in our lives to help us finish our puzzles. Let Him be, and provide, those missing pieces. Nothing will fit quite like Him.

Build your kingdom in this place with Your power and for Your glory through our group project. Amen.

Prayer: Dear God, make us complete in Your Son, Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Grace and peace,


(704) 300-0081

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