Where to go from here…

Where to go from here…

Our community has been devastated by Hurricane Helene. Western North Carolina has been decimated far beyond what happened here in Cleveland County. It is hard to even wrap our minds around whole communities being swept away by flood waters. I-40 and other roads are impassable and will take time to rebuild. Water systems and infrastructure have been destroyed. Our governor and others have said this is the worst storm to ever hit North Carolina…ever…

One of the most important historical events in scripture is the Babylonian exile. This event defines Israelite history and played a key role in the formation of the Bible as many Old Testament scriptures were written about, or around, the time of exile. For the Israelites, the exile was a gut-check—a faith-shaking moment– if there ever was one. It left them absolutely devastated.

We have had a hard reality to deal with over the last three days. Many of our neighbors have lost their homes and/or vehicles. We’ve all probably thrown out some food and had to pick up limbs in our yards. Being without power and some without water for a few days is scary when you don’t know at what point the light at the end of the tunnel will arrive.

The book of Isaiah plays a key role in the Old Testament. Isaiah’s focus is hope on the other side of the exile. Hope shines through on the heels of the most devastating moment in Israelite history. Isaiah 1:26 reads,“I will restore your leaders as in days of old, your rulers as at the beginning. Afterward you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City.

God reminds Israel through Isaiah that He is still God, He is still in control, and He still has a plan. God uses Isaiah to send hope that a Savior is coming, Immanuel—God with us—And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

As your pastor, I can’t answer hard questions like “why are some places hit harder by a storm than others?” I know it has nothing to do with a lack of faith. There are some faithful people who prayed through that storm as they sat right in the heart of WNC. They will be the boots on the ground to get aid, supplies, and relief to those who need it. God will use His people in a mighty way in those hard hit areas just as He can use us here.

In this difficult time, as we put our homes and community back together, I pray God would show us as a church exactly how to be involved with providing others with His peace and giving others His Hope. Be encouraged PSBC family. We are in this together. This is our group project.

Prayer: O God, our Father, restore us. Restore our community. Help us help restore those in need. Let us be Your light in this dark time. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Grace and peace,



(704) 300-0081