We have made it to thanksgiving week! Can you believe it?!
This has certainly been a trying and stressful year and one that, at times, seemed to stretch on longer than normal. We have experienced loss, heartache, loneliness, anxiety, fear, frustration and many other emotions. But we are reminded in Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians that we should rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. If you find yourself searching for things to be thankful for this year, let me share some of my own thanksgivings…
1. Though schools were closed and are now only operating on a hybrid schedule, I am thankful for teachers and school administrators who work tirelessly to ensure that all of our students are still learning and thriving during this time.
2. Though I’m having to help do remote learning with my child, I am thankful that I have the joy and privilege of being a mother to my daughter.
3. Though we have been stuck inside more this year and secluded from our friends and family, I am thankful for the extra time that I was given to spend with my family free from packed schedules.
4. Though we haven’t been able to do church as normal, I am thankful for Gerry Poston and our AV ministry that has helped get our weekly service out to our community and beyond.
5. Though we have had to make adjustments to what worship looks like, I am thankful for a church that has been faithful in doing the things necessary to keep everyone safe.
I know that many of you have lost loved ones, faced financial hardships, been stressed and overworked with a job and remote learning; we have all had to weather the same storm but in various different boats. No matter what circumstances you have found yourself in this year, I hope that you can look back and find real and unique ways to be thankful.
On that note, I want to give thanks for our pastor and the fact that he has come through the first part of his brain surgery journey! He is home and eager to get out and see people! If you find the time during your Thanksgiving holiday, send him a text or an email letting him know just how thankful we are for him!
Church family, I hope that you have a wonderful holiday week, and I hope that you know just how thankful your staff is for each and every one of you!
-Rev. Asis