You Can Not Do It All

You Can Not Do It All

Take the time to read the inspired words of Paul in 1st Corinthians 12 this week. You will find that he informs the Roman Church and the church today about unity and giftedness in the church and in the process, confirms that…you can’t do it all. At one point in my life I was convinced I could, that was until my wife shared with me that this was not possible in a marriage that involved her and when my kids started calling me Uncle Andy.

Paul asks the rhetorical questions with an implied “no” as the answer to each:

“Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?”

The answer to the question is no. You can’t do it all… but you can do something!

Over the past weeks and hopefully in the weeks ahead, you will hear of numerous scheduled ministry opportunities and some last minute ministry surprises. Our first impressions are often these:
Do these folks think I am made out of money?
– I think I need to tell the preacher I have a real job too!
– I can’t do everything and give to every need!

I totally agree! You are not made of money. It doesn’t grow on trees in our back yards. Also, you have real jobs as well as responsibilities in the church and community. Time and resources are limited. I am sure some grow frustrated when they hear of what seems like unlimited requests and pleas for funds and human resources. So… frustrated friend, burdened brother, saddened sister, guilt ridden “go to person”, conflicted comrade, be comforted by this word…You can not do it all!

When you hear me or some individual proclaim from the pulpit or if you read in the bulletin or newsletter, “We have a need!”, don’t feel obligated to offer explanations like I do at Christmas when I have the audacity to pass a person at the Salvation Army bucket without tossing some cash their way after giving to fifteen previous “tinklers”. (My father gives the kettle keepers a financial statement… but that’s another story.) You simply can’t give it all and do it all. So, take a deep breath, exhale slowly and do what you can. We operate on the honor system at Poplar Springs. It’s an honor to give and serve God where he leads us.

I will continue to make you aware of ministry opportunities and needs in our community, county, country, and in the world. In fact, soon you will be hearing about a need in Africa from one in our congregation. On September 29th, Ron and Joanna Allen will be there to talk about their church plant in High Point, NC. On November 3rd, Mark Wakefield will be here to give us a report on his work and his needs in Guatemala!

You will not be monitored and I hope I am not.. God knows you can’t do it all, nor can I. Simply give yourselves or your resources cheerfully, honorably, sacrificially and under the leadership of our almighty God! His opinion matters.

Andy O.