Sunday, April 28th was Vickie Elliott’s birthday. Vickie works tirelessly in our church office and is the most meticulous person I know. She’s a gifted administrator and bookkeeper, a delightful conversationalist and never, ever forgets my birthday. About a week before my big day, she contacts me and asks if I want the brownies I usually ask for and, when the day arrives. a pan of quadruple chocolate brownies are waiting for me.
Last week I established contact with my detail-oriented friend. I shared with her the notification that her birthday was on Sunday and I knew about it…it was on my calendar and my flawed cranial radar and I immediately forgot about Vickie’s birthday until Monday. That would be one day after the big day and it was late in the afternoon. Tuesday morning, I came bearing gifts for our snubbed office manager. Fortunately, I serve a thoughtful and generous church and some of you shared gifts and greetings with Vickie. Thank you!
This important event was lost amidst the craziness of schedules, obligations and responsibilities and I guess I could use that excuse. But the fact is I forgot something that was a priority…..thoughtfully recognizing a friend and workmate.
Sometimes churches get busy doing great stuff and, in the process of teaching, preaching, organizing, administrating, and meeting we forget the priority of people and relationships. It’s easy to do because there are always deadlines to make, meetings to attend, services to prepare, and places to go when one takes their God-called ministries seriously.
Poplar Springs has had a busy winter and spring. A priority for us has been to finish construction of our new (unnamed office, children’s, and music) wing. Other objectives have been relocating in the facility and decorating and furnishing this much needed tool for ministry. Our final objective for this effort will be to get it “paid fer” over the next ten years. By the way, we are off to a great start because of your generous gifts to the Building Fund.
In closing, I would like to offer this quote I heard at numerous youth functions in my student ministry day. “Don’t forget to keep the main thing the main thing.” For the church, the main thing is reaching the world with the saving message of God in Jesus Christ. We are God’s hands, feet, arms, legs, and lips. There will be times when we will be tempted to limit our efforts because we are paying for a new building. Let’s not do that. God is blessing us with financial stability, a sweet spirit of fellowship, and a new and much needed instrument for reaching out into the community and the world. I believe He expects us to be faithful in the midst of our blessings.
So Poplar Springs keep doing “The Main Thing” as we understand that we have a debt to our financial organization that must be paid in ten years. But we have an even greater debt to the One who came to earth as Jesus Christ, who empowers us and strengthens us on a daily basis through His Holy Spirit…..Almighty God.
Vickie, I am truly sorry for not remembering your special day (for the second year in a row) and thank you for a helpful reminder to not forget “The Main Thing.”
Andy O. (704) 300-0062