Posts from April 2019

The Neighbor

An expert in the law asked Jesus the question, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus then told the story of the hated Samaritan who helped a man going from Jerusalem to Jericho who was robbed and beaten. Jesus then asks the lawyer, “Who do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The law scholar then replied to Jesus, “The one who had mercy on the man.” Jesus told him, “Go and do…


Some remarkable and memorable events occur when we are pushed….. I had the ride of my life when as I sat at the top of the snow covered Crest Middle School hill. I was pushed by a member of our sledding entourage. My plastic snow craft was seated securely atop this popular winter gathering area when I requested some initial assistance. The precipitation was icy, the air was cold and the slope was in optimal condition as my little plastic…

Holy Week

A guy by the name of Wilfred A. Peterson wrote these words which I pasted in the front of one of my favorite books. I placed it there as a reminder that life is not always about snuggly puppies, fuzzy little kittens, hot donuts, inspirational sunsets and rainbows. At times life is a struggle and it isn’t always crisis related. There are times when life is uneventful with duties to fulfill and responsibilities to deal with. Oswald Chambers called this…
Basketball leaving basketball net


In speaking with the wise and learned, and in my attendance at numerous conferences and continuing education events, I am convinced that setting goals is not a wasted effort. I think we over complicate the process occasionally and, at times, we put down an admirable list of hopeful accomplishments only to place the list in a safe place never to be considered again.I have had some admirable goals through the years. Back in the 80’s and 90’s, Kim and I…